Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The GHS project in the Galilee- Galilee Healing Sisterhood, oh yeah!

The ToWo group have been invited to develop a cross cultural training in the Galilee :-)

We are thrilled. Working in the field where we grew up ourselves is an honour and a challenge.
The baby is the GHS project, Galilee Healing Sisterhood, a 30 week training for women counselors, and mental/social health workers, across all faiths and cultures in the Galilee. That is Druze, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist and more. Dr. Noha Bader from Mghar college in the Eastern Galilee had the delightful idea of importing the Africa model (ToWo project in SA) to the Galilee and remodeling it in accordance with the specific needs of this population and region. Noha and Juditta Ben-David MA have developed the model, and Judy Ben-Et our coordinator has been a great support in moving it forward.

The GHS is a joint venture of the ToWo group, Duroob institute of Yarka, and docuVillage of Maalot-Tarshicha. A multifaith, cross cultural project that trains women in "how to" tools; Tools to shed and deal with trauma from the Somatic Experiencing school, in tandem with tools of creating short life story documentary videos. It is a professional level training !
The GHS promotes mutual understanding and tolerance through creative endeavors, working in small intimate teams, NVC (non violent communication), Mindfulness and Council work (listening circles), education and empowerment of the women participants. The work is practical on many levels, as it gives hands on experience, as well as theory and a wide perspective on the process. It weaves together the subcultures of the society through the sharing and shedding of past fear and trauma imprints, towards creative curiosity, women rights, and joint venturesThe meeting will be held in Arabic and Hebrew. Ms. Itaf Awad has joined the team as a facilitator, and she is a great addition, as a long time facilitator of Council work, NVC, and cross cultural groups. Ms. Vered Osman from docuVillage has joined as the Documentary professional and wow are we lucky. And, to top it all, the container and logistic support the Duroob institute is providing, empowering professionals to understand and respect cultural differences, within their own communities.

We are very excited .. I bet you can hear this..
The interviews for the very first training are beginning !!
So if you are a Mental health counselor, Social worker, Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Art therapist, Body oriented Psychotherapist etc. in the Galilee, Western or Eastern.
If you are curious about the training and think you could benefit from such a process,
Please write us:
towogroup@gmail.com  or leave a message at +972-77-6639903

The project could use help for this training ! mmm !
So if you have an inclination to donate money, connect us with funds, and/or help us with work
We would be Obliged :-) Truly Thankful <3 p="p">towogroup@gmail.com - write us for volunteer info,
or donate here ------> (on this page through PayPal)

We would like to be able to offer this training to as many communities as possible in this area, as we believe in its' present and future affects in the larger society.  Women are the weavers of society,  Women are the carriers of culture, and Women are the carriers of healing...
What a better way to facilitate change, understanding, cooperation and acceptance.
For that we need to be able to offer it at a basic flat rate that women can afford paying.

The interviews for the very first training are beginning !!
towogroup@gmail.com  or leave a message at +972-77-6639903
Juditta & Itaf - for interviews

Donations:  towogroup.resource@gmail.com - Judy Ben-Et
or here, through PayPal....... 

Thanks !

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