Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hi there! 

While, it's been a while since we’ve written here, we’ve been busy with our cousin project, Mindfulness in Arabic, MiA in short. 

We’re excited to let you know that there has been a lot of movement and activity around the project: Bringing Trauma-informed Culturally-sensitive Mindfulness in Arabic to refugees and displaced peoples. 

Our first module has officially been launched (after two rounds of feedback) and we’re in the process of organizing several pilot programs in Europe, Israel/Palestine and Turkey.

Some recent feedback we’ve received from a Jordan psychologist and group facilitator working with refugee women in Cyprus: 

"Just to  share feedback with you and pls feel free to pass this on, I used the guided meditation with my group today, and It really moved them, the smiles and sense of aliveness I saw in their eyes, when they came back from their internal space, was beautiful for me and them to experience... I have been with this group for 6 months, so they already were comfortable with going inwards ...but I have struggled to find guided meditations in Arabic...

They asked if they could take it home as it would really help them if they could do it everyday....I told them hopefully soon and shared MiA’s vision with them. They really appreciated it. 

Sending a big bow to MiA’s efforts and looking forward to more in the new year :)"

 Our next step is to launch our Training of Trainers - the first training for Arabic facilitators of Mindfulness. As we proceed with this we are happily inviting partnership and collaboration for this creation, write to us for more information! 

In September we also launched our Trauma-Informed Webinar Series, with a join conversation between ToWo/MiA Founder and Director Juditta Ben-David MA SEP and David Treleaven PhD. This series is a grassroots fundraising effort to support MiA’s  ongoing programming and creation. 

We’d love to hear from you! So please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. MiA is a volunteer based organization (we have amazing people from all over the globe) and we would love your support. We’re always looking for volunteers to support us with Arabic narration, graphic design, fundraising, translation and more.