Friday, December 16, 2016

Joining the Red Cross and the Health department- training Arabic speaking Social workers- Trauma and Resiliency- for wounded Syrians

ToWo group have been invited to train Arabic speaking Social workers, in Nahariya and Tzfat hospitals

Trauma and the Mind, Mindfulness, MBSE - mindfulness based somatic therapy for trauma and resiliency. 4 full days over a month. Ms. Juditta Ben-David MA SEP, Ms. Dunia Brodi MA, and Ms. Jumana MD, mental health professionals and trauma specialists, are training the social workers in Hebrew and Arabic. All the participants are counselors that work with the wounded Syrians, in various departments of the hospital.
It's been a delightful interactive eye and heart opening series till now. Working with women and men from the Muslim and Druze community and their specific cultural conditioning regarding the body and yet approaching it in self reflection, patience and deep listening, has been a challenge worthwhile. We believe it is an act of healing for the Social workers as well as to the Syrians that they will treat. We have a couple more days to go. 

** Your support for this project would be highly appreciated.** Donations can be given via PayPal and Bank ** for more detail please write:

The feedback from the group is amazing
The group has been sharing of vicarious trauma as well as about the stress of the work, which can be at times emotionally conflictual.
It's a novel idea for them, SE MBSE CRM - psychophysical techniques and Mindfulness, yet backed by so much research and theory - they are joining us in curiosity, role play, personal experiences, and lots of questions.

Syrians have been arriving for the last 5 years to the Israeli Hospitals in the north, since the beginning of this long ongoing war- for medical help through the connection with the Red Cross.
Quite a few good thousands have received valuable treatment, families, children, women and men.
Their stories and their wounds are severe, and the staff had very little experience and/or knowledge of the emotional-body-mind side of trauma work, for the Syrians as well as for themselves.

Our materials have been translated to Arabic, so that the tools can be shared easily.

** Your support for this project would be highly appreciated.** Donations can be given via PayPal and Bank ** for more detail please write:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mindfulness in Arabic- A new and Unique project !!!

Check out our new page for the upcoming Mindfulness in Arabic campaign

We've gathered a good group of translators and web designers, a nice group of volunteers to support the project.

The violent situation in the Middle East as well as the ongoing refugee wave, displaced people outpouring from Syria and the Arabic countries, is a strong call to create Mindfulness meditations in Arabic.

ToWo is a group composed of volunteers. Most of us are professional women, from all faiths, who train and facilitate cross-cultural women's groups, bilingually. We work in coed groups with Syrians and other refugees. Our premise is that trauma robs us of the present moment, and healing occurs in the present body-mind.

Refugee Aid workers in Turkey, Palestinian women in the West Bank, Druze women in the Galilee, German refugee counselors, and social workers in Israel have all insisted that Mindfulness practices like this are imperative in Arabic.  

We are proposing a project consisting of at least 3 Mindfulness meditations in Arabic, up to a full 8 week course. The materials will be offered on the internet freeland will be supported online by a member of our group. We see great potential in being able not only to translate these meditations to Arabic, but also to find the right way to make them handy and useful for those that would like to take the practice on the go !