Thursday, December 25, 2014

OMG a forth venue for the Galilee Healing Sisterhood !!

 Slowly but consistently, circles of women that want to learn with us are forming, here in the western Galilee.
"Galilee Healing Sisterhood" - GHS is rolling and the road is opening:

A forth venue: Matteh Asher
A course opening on January 11th , 2015 !!
Open to the public,
first step is NVC and then Trauma therapy Skills SE_EFA
write to: or
for registration and info.

Hope to see you there.
We could use your financial support, to bring these tools to as many communities in this region
All these courses are being subsidized by our volunteers kind work and teaching.

Please use the Paypal option here, or write to us for a tax deduction option.

*** For many more circles to bring healing and resiliency skills,
Happy Holidays of Light .***

The course is full ! There's a waiting list for the next course ....