Thursday, December 25, 2014

OMG a forth venue for the Galilee Healing Sisterhood !!

 Slowly but consistently, circles of women that want to learn with us are forming, here in the western Galilee.
"Galilee Healing Sisterhood" - GHS is rolling and the road is opening:

A forth venue: Matteh Asher
A course opening on January 11th , 2015 !!
Open to the public,
first step is NVC and then Trauma therapy Skills SE_EFA
write to: or
for registration and info.

Hope to see you there.
We could use your financial support, to bring these tools to as many communities in this region
All these courses are being subsidized by our volunteers kind work and teaching.

Please use the Paypal option here, or write to us for a tax deduction option.

*** For many more circles to bring healing and resiliency skills,
Happy Holidays of Light .***

The course is full ! There's a waiting list for the next course ....

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ireland - Juditta will be giving an intro and a full training, EFA_SE & MBSE - in Cork and Dublin

The 28-30 November
A new beginning, the MBSE training in Cork !
Mindfulness based Somatic Experiencing Trauma therapy.

After 4 years that Juditta Ben-David MA SEP taught at SHEP, where a few accomplished graduates have finished the training, we're offering a new training **

For those that would like to apply, inquire, taste:
Leemore Butler  is the ToWo Ireland admin

There will be a special intro day, EFA_SE (Basic SE skills for first aid)
So if you're curious... that's the way to get a taste :-)
in Cork and in Dublin, 28th Nov, and 5th Dec

Here are the flyers for the courses. Please write to Leemore,

the EFA_SE flyer

the MBSE flyer

See you there !!

And in that regard we'd also like to share with you an article that Andy wrote, one that resonates strongly with Judittas' work, and the EFA_SE intro she teaches :

"There is a growing movement to create “trauma-informed” services, organizations and communities. This movement reflects an understanding that psychological trauma and toxic stress are near-universal experiences that can affect every aspect of life, and that everyone has a role to play in addressing the issue." 
"The good news is that you don't have to be a human service professional to make a difference"- Andy

The full article written by Andy Blanch, gives a nice view over CRT's spirit and latest projects, 
and in it you can hear the resonance to the ToWo and the GHS work. Amen, So be it :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

The circles are forming! - The Galilee Healing Sisterhood

 Slowly but consistently, circles of women that want to learn with us are forming, here in the western Galilee.
"The Galilee Healing Sisterhood" - GHS is rolling on and the road is opening:

*First circle - in Tamera, a town that is mainly Arab Muslim;
*Second circle - in Sajur, a mainly Druze town;
*Third circle - in Maalot Tarshiha, a city that unites all the cultures, Christians, Jews and Muslims;
and counting... 

=At this time, we create groups close to home, in a language that's close to home, after receiving the invitation from the women of the area.
=These circles serve for receiving tools for living a multi-cultural life, tools of NVC (Non Violent Communication) and women empowerment, tools for health in a society that is full of trauma, and off course, tools for video-docu creation and mindfulness. 
=The groups are bilingual, in Hebrew and Arabic.
=From these circles that are taking the intro workshops, we shall form the group that will join a full year course. 
=At this time - Anat and Nadia have joined us for the teaching, Samira and Nidham as administrative help, and Noa as a solid support throughout the whole project !

*In Julis - a Druze village in the area, at the "Medica" alternative medicine school, we are opening a course for "reducing stress and anxiety in everyday life, through mindfulness". This course is open for everyone: Arab-Jews, women-men, and derives too from the course of the GHS. It too will touch upon the effect of trauma in our life and how to resource etc.

*If this interests you, or anyone you may know,
if you feel like interesting someone or some group from the Western Galilee area, hurry up and connect between us!

Or leave a message at 077-6639903

and we will see to which initial group you would want to join,
and you'll get all the info that's needed for making a decision and registration. 

We will be glad for any help in translation to Arabic
and for help as assistants in the groups.

 We can only repeat and emphasize especially at this very shaken time, a time in which great violence thunders in this country and its neighbours,
that these issues are even more important and relevant to our lives now ! 
After all, we know that unresolved trauma that hasn't been dissolved and shed off from the nervous system, might cause more violence, as well as inter-generational trauma :-(

What's in it at a glance:
Shedding off the trauma from the nervous system, tools to be used in the everyday life to restore the spiritual-emotional health, and the need to communicate our needs; The transition between the Trauma Vortex that pulls us to believe in a narrow, pessimistic perspective, into the Healing "Vortex" and the space of possibilities that gives delight to the spirit, spiritual resilience and vitality;
The possibility to reach the source of creation at an hour of pain and sadness; To find resources, insights and strengths to choose life.

 All these are tools needed especially for us women, to be transmitted to children and the community as well.
Tools for our sensation, so we could speak out our truth without shame, to create and lead a social net that is sane, cooperative and clear.

 Let us be light to ourselves and our surrounding, and show there is another way.

if you feel like interesting someone or some group from the Western Galilee area, hurry up and connect between us!

Or leave a message at 077-6639903 

Monday, June 30, 2014

C-R-T (center for religious tolerance) & the GHS (Galilee Healing Sisterhood)

We are very Happy and Grateful to be one of the projects that the C-R-T  has chosen to support this year. The GHS (Galilee Healing Sisterhood) course seems to be resonating with
  the C-R-T's focus of trauma informed communities,
and it is exciting to meet people and souls that have a similar vision and inspiration. We are very grateful for their generosity and confidence in the first steps of the GHS training.

Check out CRT MiniGrants program for 2013/14, "ToWo"'s in it :)

Here's a link to an interview with Andy Blanch, who in her life and work gives inspiration for women to make a change, since what's important, is that we see each other as ones who have capabilities and mastery.

Isn't she amazing and wise?

We still are in need of funds !

** To be able to complete the GHS training as intended, a full year professional course **,
throughout the lively multicultural woman setting here, be it Druze, Christian, Jews, Muslim, Buddhists,
and see the fruits in the women groups that our students will facilitate throughout the Galilee later :-)

If you are so inclined, and would like to Donate, Volunteer, Host an event, please contact us at:

Druze women from Sajur- joining the circles

Last week Juditta has met with amazing Druze women from the Sajur village in the Galilee, regarding the GHS training. They have shown their serious interest in the training and have suggested to organize an intro meeting for more women in their area. This shall happen once the Yitro (Jethro) Druze holiday will end, mid May. 
Some info about this holiday: Yitro, who was in the bible Moses' father-in-law, a Kenite shepherd and priest of Midian, is revered as a prophet in the Druze religion and considered an ancestor of the Druze.
They have also asked for English lessons for their women, which they feel will aid in opening their horizons and support their continuing education. ToWo group will try and support them with this as well. if you have an inclination to volunteer your time and knowledge and meet strong curious and well intended women from the Druze community ,please write to us:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Conference was a success !! Pat, Bonnie, TDIL, Nes Amim, and 120 people- Trauma Mindfulness Body Attachment

Wow ! The workshop was so successful that we didn't get to write about it yet  :-) And as a teaser, yes, we did receive a nice donation towards the GHS project :-) Galilee Healing Sisterhood.

We're still excited from the amount of people that came to learn from Pat and Bonnie. The crowd was made of 120 people that filled the room, amazing professionals, all curious to hear one of the pioneers of body-oriented psychotherapy, fascinated and smiling like during a good meal. I'm so very thankful for this. And moreover, for the possibility to create these kind of workshops in the north of Israel too!

Dr Pat Ogden, at her 70's, looking cool in her pointy boots and 20 years younger, knows how to impact this kind of intelligent crowd easily. She skillfully combined theory, videos from counseling hours she has given, explanations about the steps she has taken, and reading of the client's body language along with the audience. But most of all, Pat brings a deep and broad understanding of attachment theories, knowledge of brain research (about attachment and trauma) and of the latest researchers that work in the field, many years of experience along with an authentic physical intelligence of a dancer, and as a student/partner/close friend of Dr Ron Kurtz.  

Out of these materials Pat weaved a clear and amazingly interesting common ground, a road map, which for the practitioners, and especially for those who work with developmental traumas, was inspiring.  

We are so thankful to TDIL, who helped so much in the organization of the workshop, and took part in the preparations and production. It is so good to know, that even a well founded organization wants to go ahead and fresh up, and invests in opening new fields of knowledge to its members. The insertion of techniques from the world of body-oriented psychotherapy to the field of the trauma therapy and dissociation, appeared to be necessary and meaningful on the way to healing.  
The ToWo project won a nice donation!! Yes, after deduction of the expenses and the part of the teacher and the partners, a nice sum is left for the ToWo project and the up-coming course in the Galilee. Juditta (ToWo project founder and the conference CEO) donated all of her part of the income to the building of the project in the Galilee, and also Liora from TDIL and members of the committee donated 1/3 of their income to the project… Pat also donated part of her income… which gives us pains in the butt and lots of work to prepare the course still in this year.

So here’s another big thanks to all those who took part, to TDIL, Juditta and Pat :)   

And did we say mindfulness? Not yet? So indeed, all the work that Pat suggested is based in a process of mindfulness, which she defines as anchored related mindfulness. We liked it. Of course, because our tools are also mindfulness based J.  And there’s nothing like resonating with friends who share your language and path in life, investigating the field together, while being supported by a highly experienced woman. 

Just to remind you:
The ToWo project will train professional women from all cultures in the Galilee, with tools from the world of trauma therapy, mindfulness based tools MBSE, SE, EFA, and body oriented psychotherapy. This broad course of 32 weeks will include also NVC (non violent communication), deepening of treatment in a multi-cultural society, and… training in tools from the worlds of media and video, for documentation of life stories (more on this some other time… Let’s leave a little suspense). The course will be co-taught in Hebrew and Arabic.

We will be glad to answer questions on this issue; the interviews for the first group have already started. For more details and registration write to:

So, here’s a little taste of the workshop
for those who were there and those who weren’t.
A few pictures and a link for the transcription of the workshop,
that will surely give you a hint of the insights.

And hoping to see you
Juditta and the ToWo group