Sunday, March 18, 2012

ToWo in Turkey_Earthquake Relief

13 - 15 April 2012

Yeditepe University
Department of Psychology

The Yeditepe University of Istanbul invited us after the earthquake in Van to train mental health workers and the University rescue team.

The Natan Organization is joining the ToWo group to support the project financially and to share the joint experiences from the earthquake in Haiti and Trauma Therapy in Israel and Africa.

Mrs Juditta Ben David MA SEP (ToWo) will lead the course of "Emotional First Aid (EFA) and Somatic Experiencing (SE) for Relief Work", and
Dr. Eitan Shahar (Sapir College/Natan, Israel) will present the workshop "Assisting and Coping in Emergency and Disaster: Individual and Community".

The Workshop is addressed for professionals who were and are involved in the relief work of Van earthquake survivors.

To sign up for the workshop or to assist, contact:

Natan information
ToWo intro page

Yeditepe University